Feel like yourself again!

Are you ready to take control of your health?

Somewhere you lost touch with your true, energetic, fun, happy go lucky self and traded it for daily anxiety, haywire hormones, & inconsistent sleep. 

Your Doctor doesn't have any answers and the late night relationship with Dr. Google is confusing the issue, leaving you overwhelmed and exhausted. 

It's time to take back your old self and live your Life with Energy & Authenticity!

Ways to Connect with Dr. Pingel   

1:1 Naturopathic Concierge Services

  • Direct access to Licensed Naturopathic Physician 7 days a week 
  • Commitment to find the WHY in your health puzzle
  • Focus on customized, individualized, root cause solutions
  • Natural options, rather than massive prescriptions 
  • A Doctor than listens, educates, and works with you
  • An honest, open, communicative relationship with your Doctor
  • Ditch the run around, long waiting room delays and frustration of traditional medical model
  • Gain a trusted resource (no more Dr. Google!)

Group Programs

Improve your health along with a supportive community. 

Self Study Online Programs

The Do-It-Yourself Type? These are great start programs to get the ball rolling....on your own time! 

The Total Health Turnaround

Are you one of the 80% of Americans who have Adrenal Fatigue? Could this be the reason behind your symptoms? 

The ALl-Natural Plan to Reverse Adrenal Fatigue, Lose Weight, and 

What is Naturopathic Medicine? 

Description of Naturopathic 

As a licensed naturopathic physician, Dr. Pingel offers integrative medicine - always focusing on repairing the root cause and using natural options and therapies, as opposed to simply writing a prescription for your concerns. 

It's Time for you to Turn Your Health Around!

Reclaim your energy and feel like yourself again

  • Find your Trusted Health Resource, no more guessing
  • Learn how to be healthy for LIFE, naturally
  • Tackle Stress and Gain Energy
  • Stop missing the details and be present in your life

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This website is currently under construction.  Check back soon.

You can take back control over your health.

Hear what others have to say about working with Dr. Pingel

I’m a classic type A! I do all these things and I had always done them 110%, but after my first child was born, my health started to unravel. I went from sleeping 10 hours a night to not being able to fall asleep until 4:00 AM, and then my daughter would wake me up at 6:30 AM. 

Dr. Pingel helped me with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, constipation, adrenal fatigue, hormone imbalances, insomnia, candida, and SIBO (to name a few, ha ha). She’s also helped me emotionally. She has been there literally every step of the way!  Overall, I feel really happy with my health and energy now! I can't imagine anyone else listening and guiding me over the years as well as Dr. Pingel has. She's the best!


“With my current state of health I appreciate the troubleshooting that I get to experience with this concierge program. With my previous physician, It used to take 6-8 weeks in between appointments to analyze my status.

Now, I am able to stay closely connected to Dr. Pingel as symptoms arise. My journey back to health has been such a long road that this program has decreased the "wait" time in impacting my overall health for the better.

I appreciate the relationship I've been able to have and the investment in my story that could not happen in a normal patient to doctor relationship".”


The value far outweighs the cost. With this program, you literally have a personal physician right at your fingertips. Dr. Pingel responds so quickly and if a follow-up visit is needed, it is scheduled immediately.

This program really gives me the support I need to reach my health goals.  I also love that with this program, Dr. Pingel reaches out to me to see how I am doing. You just don't get that with a traditional "as needed" approach to doctor-patient relationships.


I was absolutely exhausted. I was bloated, had acne, diarrhea and mild depression. I was dealing with constant menstrual cycle problems and autoimmune conditions. I could barely function throughout the day, having unusually low energy. My previous doctors said I was “fine” but I knew something was wrong,  

Dr. Pingel brought me back to my good self. My husband said, “my wife is back.” My energy returned, I can workout again, and I’m back to my healthy weight. I’m physically and emotionally thriving again!


Ready to Feel Better?

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Insert a couple of paragraphs explaining your moneyback guarantee.  Be sure to include the amount of time the guarantee covers, how to ask for a refund, and any other.

“This is your chance to speak directly to your clients, so let's get personal. Why are you passionate about this work? What do you love about your clients? Why should they trust you? A personal promise and guarantee can help reassure clients that they are making the right choice."

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Meet Dr. Pingel 

The Adrenal Whisperer

Dr. Tricia Pingel, NMD is a licensed naturopathic physician and expert in how Cortisol & Stress physically impact the body, especially as it relates to your mood & anxiety, thyroid, gut, and hormone balance. 

​After struggling with multiple symptoms throughout her life that were routinely dismissed as “normal,” Dr.Pingel discovered naturopathic medicine and was able to eliminate her  symptoms by focusing on the root cause of disease and supporting her body with proper diet, supplements, and stress management.

​Dr. Pingel believes in individualized, customized healthcare - no two people are alike, and nor should your healthcare be. She takes a holistic approach by examining the impact of everyday stress, diet, lifestyle, nutrition, and medications on the biochemistry of the body, and providing support to these imbalances, allowing the body ito able to fully heal and work for you, rather than against you.

​Dr. Pingel has appeared in multiple health docu-series, is a regular expert guest for health summits, podcasts & TV. She has contributed to numerous publications including Health Magazine, Prevention, Mind Body Green, Eat This Not That! and more.


Uncertain where to start?  

Reach out! We are happy to guide you towards the best step for you. 

Dr. Tricia Pingel 

Pingel Progressive Medicine 

7600 N 15th St #150 Phoenix, AZ 85013 


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